
T-Learning is an elearning services company based in the Liverpool, UK supporting teaching and learning to schools across the world. Taecanet delivers personalised learning for teachers and students accessible at school or at home. More info can be found at www.taecanet.com

Friday, July 07, 2006

Personalised Media Solutions

Today, we live in a world of personalised media rather than the mass media sphere of years gone by. We are now in charge of how/where we shop, how we package our music to suit our exact requirements, and even how and when we choose to view television programmes on our own schedule. Everybody has differing requirements and therefore, by being able to decide how WE want to operate in so many arenas, allows us to make media work for us rather than being constrained by its singular usage.

This can also be seen in school requirements for elearning. The very fact that every student and every teacher has different requirements, means that schools are now, more than ever, in a position to blend different learning styles and approaches to suit their students. Schools are able to choose from an array of teaching and learning tools that can be tailored to the specific requirements of the target audience. This must be beneficial to schools. With issues such as Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Gifted & Talented students to deal with, often under one roof, the ability to piece together your own flexible sloution will increasingly help to raise standards.

The content sector of elearning has exploded in recent years, giving teachers the perfect platform to explore teaching and learning solutions for all students. Elearning must continue to diversify in this way to give teachers the oppertunity to decide for themselves which services are most appropriate to match their personal requirements. Long may this 'personalised media' revolution continue as a way to offer a democratic solution for all.


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